Relocation Guide
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Commercial Relocation Guide
The planning and preparation process begins with you. Specific people have to be identified and their responsibility defined. With the help and guidance of your move consultant from Wayne Atlas, the relocation will be organized to the smallest detail and everyone involved will be prepared.
Moving is a costly operation and it is most important that we avoid the expense of moving unnecessary weight and bulk. Accordingly, in preparing for the move, a thorough housecleaning must be carried out. All unnecessary papers, documents, and files should be discarded prior to the date of the move.
Clean out and throw away. Do not move it unless you need it.
The following instructions must be followed exactly for packing.
(A) Desks – Empty all drawers. The contents should be packed in cartons. Desk drawers should be locked if possible.
(B) Bookcases – Empty bookcases completely and pack contents in cartons. Each loose shelf should be labeled and put on the bottom of the bookcase Shelf clips must be removed and packed in boxes.
(C) Credenzas – Credenzas are to be emptied and the contents should be placed in cartons. Doors must by secured to prevent damage.
(D) Electronics – VDTs, PC’s, typewriters, calculators, dictaphones, printers, and fax machines are not to be packed. Place these items on the desk. All covers must be removed and packed along with any removable electrical cords, mouse, and mouse pads. All attached cords should be unplugged and wrapped. Pack pocket calculators in a carton or carry individually. All paper trays are to be labeled and removed from printers, copiers, and fax machines and packed into boxes. Keyboards, mouse, mouse pads, speakers, cables and all cords should be placed in a plastic bag and labeled.
(E) Cartons – Should be filled but not to overflowing. Close the carton by interlocking the (4) four top flaps. Do not tape.
Carton Labeling – Cartons are to be labeled on the end (small panel). Cover or cross out the old labels.
(F) Lateral Files – Depending on construction, all contents above the third drawer must be packed.
(G) Vertical File Cabinets – Do not empty file cabinets. The “follower” should be pulled up tightly in all drawers. Empty or partially empty drawers should be packed full with stationery, books, etc. All cabinets having locks should be locked. Important: Locks without keys should be wrapped with tape to prevent locking.
(H) File Room & Library – Packing and labels for the file room and library areas will be addressed by your move consultant on an individual basis. File and library carts are available.
(I) Shelving – Should be disassembled into moveable units. Check with move consultant.
(J) Personal Items – Personal pictures, knick-knacks, and plants should be hand carried by the owner.
(K) Desk Trays – Disassemble “stacks” of trays and place them in desk drawers. Desk “file arrangers” can be placed in empty file cabinet drawers.
(L) Supply/Storage Cabinets – Supply/Storage cabinets must be completely emptied and contents packed in cartons. Doors should be locked if possible.
(M) Framed Pictures and Desk Blotters – All hanging items should be removed from the walls and organized by color group along with any flat items such as desk blotters, flip charts, pads, etc.
(N) Flip Charts – Fold legs, remove pads of paper, and place with framed pictures and desk blotters.
(O) Waste Baskets – Do not “nest” waste baskets.
- Bottles of liquids should be packed together in a separate carton reserved for “spillables”.
- Remove coat hangers from coat racks and pack in cartons.
(P) Drafting Tables – All work in progress should be removed from the drawing board and the dust cover unrolled over the drawing surface and taped to the front edge of the board to hold it in place. Pencil sharpeners or other attachments should be removed from the tables.
(Q) Flat Files – Check with move consultant.
(R) Condense Items – In overall preparation for the move, condense or fold up all items to their smallest state.
(a) Packing:
( ) Desks
( ) Credenzas
( ) Supply/Storage Cabinets
( ) Supply/Storage Closets
( ) Bookcases
( ) Lateral Files
(b) Unbolting and Disassembly:
( ) Desks
( ) Bulletin Boards
( ) Shelves
( ) Bookcases
( ) Pictures
(c) Elevator Arrangements:
( ) Confirm reservation
( ) Switch elevator to independent service
(d) Breakable Items:
( ) Confirm Special Handling
(e) Machines:
( ) Contact Technicians for preparation & disconnects.
( ) Prepare desktop electronics, reference previous instructions.
(f) Tagging:
( ) Confirm proper tagging of all items to be moved.
( ) Confirm identification of items not to be moved
We recommend that the following example be made for individual offices and/or areas within your total office space.

Desks, Credenzas, Bookcases, Files, Chairs, Cartons, and Miscellaneous Items.
Wayne Atlas utilizes 10 different commercial labels to distinguish different destinations, i.e. areas within afloor, different floors, or separate buildings.
A color will be assigned to a “general location” and number will be assigned to demote a specific area.

A letter suffix can be added to the “number location” to place file cabinets in a specific area.

A specific labeling system will be developed by your move coordinator to assure that all material remains in correct order (file integrity) throughout the relocation.
Directional signs and placards (location number and floorplans) must be placed throughout the new locations.